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Videoüberwachung Brandschutz
Documentation dokumentation
Videoüberwachung DSGVO konform
GDPR dsgvo
Videoüberwachung GPS Daten
GPS data camera gps-daten-kamera
Picture archive bildarchiv
Videoüberwachung Verpixelung
Pixelation verpixelung
Videoüberwachung Remote Work
Remote Work remote-work
Videoüberwachung Zeitraffer
Time lapse zeitraffer
Videoüberwachung DSGVO konform
Webzugriff webzugriff


With easy mast mounting, 4K image resolution and a field of view of up to 108°, LivEye DOCU provides high-resolution footage for documenting construction progress. A vertically arranged PTZ camera creates a 360° panorama 3 times a day.

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Video documentation for construction sites at the highest level

LivEye DOCU is a weatherproof camera system for documentation purposes – based on state-of-the-art video and cloud technology. The system enables, for example, developers and contractors to record the progress of the construction site in accordance with formal construction documentation. The compact device is easy to install thanks to the integrated pole mount on the housing and functions according to the plug and play principle: hang up, plug in, record. The modern camera delivers high-resolution image material in 4K, which can be called up over the construction period using archive image management. There is also a vertically arranged (PTZ) camera, which creates a 360° panorama 3 times a day. The vertical arrangement means that construction progress can be documented right up to the top floor of a building project. The combination of the two built-in cameras also makes the DOCU system ideal as a crane camera. In this way, the construction process can be traced in detail. Intelligent pixelation of vehicles and people ensures that the recordings are DSGVO-compliant. The data is transmitted encrypted via the mobile network to the LivEye data center and can be viewed via a clear dashboard.

Ideally suited for:

  • Marketing purposes
  • Project management
  • Legally compliant documentation

LivEye DOCU technical details

  • easy pole mounting due to integrated pole mount on the housing
  • compact dimensions
  • power supply via 230V connection
  • DSGVO compliant due to intelligent pixelation of vehicles and persons
  • Vertically arranged PTZ camera (creation of a 360° panorama 3 times a day)
  • Bullet camera with sensor resolution: 8 MP and image resolution: 3840 x 2160 px (4K)
  • Focal length: 2.8 – 12.0 mm
  • Field of view up to 108

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