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Videoüberwachung 360° View
360° View 360-view
Videoüberwachung Cloud Monitoring
Analysis software (AI) analyse-software-ki
Videoüberwachung Tag- und Nachtsicht
Day and night vision tag-und-nachtsicht
Videoüberwachung DSGVO konform
GDPR dsgvo
Videoüberwachung GPS Daten
GPS data camera gps-daten-kamera
Videoüberwachung Leitstelle
Monitoring & Alarm monitoring-alarm
Picture archive bildarchiv
Solar powered solarbetrieben
Videoüberwachung DSGVO konform
Theft protection diebstahlschutz

The LivEye LIGHT BOX sur­veil­lance system

The eco-friendly and independent LivEye® LIGHT BOX makes constant surveillance possible thanks to two solar panels affixed externally to the device.

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Independent and sustainable surveillance to protect against theft and vandalism at any installation

The eco-friendly, independent and constant surveillance protects your facility against theft and vandalism. Our LivEye® LIGHT BOX has two solar panels that are affixed externally on the device making constant surveillance possible. Four motion detectors with integrated HD-cameras send HD-photos of the monitored area to our control centre if there is an alarm. Depending on the alarm class, the centre’s response will range from a loudspeaker announcement to calling the police, whichever is needed to protect your facility best from theft or vandalism.

Technical Details of the LivEye LIGHT BOX

  • Four motion detectors with integrated HD-cameras
  • Detection radius of each sensor is 30 meters
  • Individual day and night objectives
  • 60 infrared LEDs make accurate night vision possible
  • A 360° PTZ-camera for alarm tracking
  • Smart video verification (differentiates between humans and animals)
  • Self-sufficient for an unlimited time thanks to solar panels
  • When an alarm is triggered, a sequence of image data is transmitted to our control centre.
  • No electrical connection needed
  • Weight 500 Kg


Price on request

Perimeter protection: Particularly suitable for temporary protection of critical infrastructure Long fences and property boundaries can be found, for example, at power plants, airports, military properties or airports. The latter, for example, are an extremely critical infrastructure; even the smallest intrusions can have serious consequences for traffic and safety. They are also difficult to survey…

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LivEye LIGHT+ – EN

Price on request

The mobile intrusion detection system for indoor and outdoor use The LivEye LIGHT+ is a very light and compact, mobile intrusion detection system with video verification & many convincing technical functions. Up to 8 motion detectors with integrated cameras enable large areas to be monitored, even in very angled areas. The compact size of the…

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Example application areas